15R/16M, solo exhibition, Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH, 2007.
Stitch by Stitch, solo exhibition, Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY, 2009.
15R/16M, solo exhibition, Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH, 2007.
Stitch by Stitch, solo exhibition, Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY, 2009.
I undid the stitches that Julia had sewn and transformed the shirt into a scarf. I tempered the masculine implication of the button down shirt by bringing out the feminine qualities of the garment. The manner of her death, strangulation, is implied by the function of the scarf. The reason for her death, attempted rape, motivates my choice to highlight the masculine/ feminine connotations of this object. This work has been exhibited at Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH in 2007 and Atlantic Gallery in New York, NY in 2008.
Alone Together is based on a dream I had where I was being followed by the stripes of the shirt given to be by Julia. After a long period of having dreams about violence and anxiety, I slowly began to have dreams like this one that demonstrated that I was no longer a slave of my grief upon the loss of my friend. Because of the dream I knew that I had embedded the shirt’s image into my mind and could now let go of the physical object. This work has been exhibited at Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH in 2007 and Atlantic Gallery in New York, NY in 2008.
Timeline demonstrates how the experience of time is not linear, but composite. I made the animation for Timeline from components of Sixteen Months: sewn drawings bound together into an accordion book to represent that healing can’t be measured in days, months or years. It is messy, fragile, overlapping and doesn’t necessarily correspond with how we measure time in abstract increments. This work has been exhibited at Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH in 2007 and Atlantic Gallery in New York, NY in 2008. This is an installation view from the exhibit in 2007.
The two reflection pieces are comprised of video footage of Julia and I in high school. The water and glass bowls are both barriers between you and the video, but they also provide a point of access for these glimpses of memories. The viewer looks into the bowls and expects to see a reflection but instead sees an image of the past. This work has been exhibited at Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH in 2007 and Atlantic Gallery in New York, NY in 2008. This is an installation view from the exhibit in 2008.
The two reflection pieces are comprised of video footage of Julia and I in high school. The water and glass bowls are both barriers between you and the video, but they also provide a point of access for these glimpses of memories. The viewer looks into the bowls and expects to see a reflection but instead sees an image of the past. This work has been exhibited at Fisher Gallery in Oberlin, OH in 2007 and Atlantic Gallery in New York, NY in 2008. This is an installation view from the exhibit in 2008.